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Conferência final do BIODUCA e arranque do projeto HECTARES DE BIOSFERA
O BIODUCA - Educar para a Biosfera - - teve a sua conferência final no passado dia 20 de...

CPLP Executive Secretary Dr. Zacarias da Costa ‘intervention at the UN Human Rights Commission, on the need to recognize a Stable Climate as a Common Heritage of Humankind
The Executive Secretary of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), Dr. Zacarias da Costa, took part in the High-Level...

O Diretor da CCH participou na X Reunião de Ministros do Ambiente da CPLP, em São Tomé e Príncipe, a 18 de fevereiro de 2025
A X Reunião de Ministros do Ambiente da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) decorreu a 18 fevereiro 2025, em São Tomé – São...

Seminário Internacional: “Clima: Coisa de Ninguém, ou Património de Todos?"
Centro Cultural Português em Brasília No passado dia 15 de Outubro 2024 realizou-se no Centro Cultural Português em Brasília, no Brasil,...

"Webinars Around The Earth": Por que devemos defender os direitos ambientais?
A Casa Comum da Humanidade em conjunto com a Green Rights Coalition, dinamizou no passado dia 24 de Abril de 2024 um Webinar em defesa...

Conferências “Sustentabilidade do Planeta e o papel das Instituições de Ensino Superior” em debate na Universidade de Aveiro
A atual Presidente da CCH, Sara Moreno Pires, apresentou a comunicação intitulada “Clima Estável como Património Comum da Humanidade - o...

CPLP destaca participação no evento“Sistema Terrestre Património Comum da Humanidade – Legado de Will Steffen e a Lei de Bases do Clima Portuguesa”
No passado dia 29 de janeiro de 2024, realizou-se a Conferência “Sistema Terrestre como Património Comum da Humanidade - Legado do Will...

Conference “Earth System as a Common Heritage of Humankind, Will Steffen's Legacy and the Portuguese Climate Law”
CHH promoted the Event “Earth System as a Common Heritage of Humankind, Will Steffen’s Legacy and the Portuguese Climate Law”, with the...

I Jornada de Investigação do CIJ-FDUP
O projeto jurídico da Casa Comum da Humanidade vai estar presente na I Jornada de Investigação do CIJ – Centro de Investigação Jurídica,...

CCH na IX Reunião de Ministros do Ambiente da CPLP no Lubango, em Angola
Os Ministros do Ambiente da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), ou seus representantes, reuniram no passado dia 28 de...

Manifest Brazil-EU concerning the EU-Mercosur Agreement The Stable Climate as a Common Heritage of Humankind Around fifty Portuguese and...

Paulo Magalhães is awarded with the Inspiring Portugal Award
Paulo Magalhães wins first prize in the category Social Economy. Last November 9th, Paulo Magalhães, Founder of the Common Home of...

Conferência “Clima Património da Humanidade”
A Conferência “Clima Património da Humanidade” decorreu com o Alto Patrocínio do Presidente da República Portuguesa, Prof. Marcelo Rebelo...

United Nations recognises the right to a healthy environment as a human right
The United Nations General Assembly's recognition of this right is a historic victory for health and environmental protection for all. It...

James Lovelock: the founder of the Gaia theory has died at age 103
Scientist, known to some as a "prophet of disaster", proposed the (controversial) hypothesis that the Earth is a living organism whose...

Paulo Magalhães is awarded with the Porto’s Municipal Medal of Merit
Paulo Magalhães, founder and director of the Common Home of Humanity, received on July 9, from the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, the gold...

Paulo Magalhães wins first prize in the category Inspiration
On World Environment Day, June 5, Paulo Magalhães, Founder of the Common Home of Humanity, was awarded first prize in the Inspiration...

CHC Pathway of Hope: The Stockholm+50 Declaration – Episode 8 Inge Relph
The 8th episode of the Common Home Conversations Pathway to 2022 is now out. In this week's conversation you will hear from Inge Relph,...

CHC Pathway of Hope: The Stockholm+50 Declaration – Episode 7
The 7th episode of the Common Home Conversations Pathway to 2022 is now out. In this week's conversation you will hear from Daniel...

CH Conversation Pathway of Hope: The Stockholm+50 DeclarationEP.6 Fergus Watt
The 6th episode of the Common Home Conversations Pathway to 2022 is now out. In this week's conversation you will hear from Fergus Watt,...
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